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Call for Abstracts

Abstracts Submission

  • STEP 01  
    Please read carefully
    the abstract submission guidelines below, before you proceed

  • STEP 02
    Complete the online abstracts submission form here, according to the guidelines
  • STEP 03
    Once submission is completed you will be notified for the results till 1 of April 2025

Abstract Submission Deadline

15 February 2025
1 March, 2025

Notification of Acceptance

1 April 2025

Authors Registration Deadline

1 September 2025

15th ICCE Global Coach Conference in Athens


Call for Abstracts

Every two years the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) Global Coach Conference brings together coaches, coach educators, researchers, sport scientists, technical directors and sport administrators to address issues in coaching, to learn about new coaching research, and to share experiences with the top coaching development experts in the world. In 2025 the ICCE Global Coach Conference will be held in Athens (Greece) from 20-23 November, organised by the Hellenic Federation of Sports Coaches and Trainers and the ICCE.

The organisers and ICCE Research Committee welcome the submission of Coach Research and Coaching Practitioner papers, as per the specifications below.

Coach Research Papers

Invitation to submit individual oral presentations, individual posters, or symposia.
Submissions should indicate which type, mode, and stream they wish to be considered for.

1. Mode:

  1. Individual oral presentation: 15 minutes with 5 minutes of questions
  2. Poster: All posters should be made on A1 vertical poster board
  3. Symposium: Encompassing 3-4 papers per session, these are 80-minute long well-developed research or practical advances that are delivered by 3-4 presenters who submit one abstract for their full symposium. This abstract must emphasise the link between papers by highlighting the goal for the session
  4. Discussion: These are 40 minutes sessions, that incorporate 20-minute presentation focused on a specific topic, then facilitate 20 minutes audience engagement.
  5. Live problem-solving labs: These will be based around conference themes where participants tackle a real-world problem in groups with guidance from facilitators.

2. Stream:

  1. Ethical dilemmas in coaching: this could include
    1. Safe sport, safeguarding and the role of the coach
    2. Hate speech and education
    3. Fair play, individual and sport integrity, ethos and the role of the coach
    4. Match-fixing/betting and the role of the coach
    5. Diversity and inclusion and the role of the coach
  2. Professionalization in coaching: this could include
    1. Transnational pathways
    2. Rethinking communities of practice
    3. Coach development/developers and CD accreditation
    4. Legislation
  3. AI, technology and coaching: this could include
    1. Internet and AI vs Coach
    2. Coaching e-sports
    3. Virtual coaching & apps
    4. New material, new sports equipment design
  4. New developments in coaching/coach development & coaching practice

3. Type:

a) early career coaching researcher/student application
b) original coaching research
c) evidence-informed practical advances in coaching

The organizing committee reserves the right to move abstracts between these categories as deemed fit.

4. Submission of Abstract

Each abstract should be written in a Microsoft word document, and include:

    • Identification of abstract mode, stream, and type
    • A brief (50 character) title
    • Contributor names and affiliations (e.g., Smith, John1 and Campbell, Susan2; 1University of Coaching; 2National Sport Organization)
    • A 250-word abstract/synopsis
    • A maximum of two references, if appropriate
    • An 80-word biography of the presenting author(s)

An example of an Abstract Submission can be found in the link here

Coach research abstract types fitting streams a-e will be published in the International Sport Coaching Journal (ISCJ) supplementary issue. Please follow this link to read the scope of publications in ISCJ:

To be considered for publication, the abstracts must be in English, 250 words maximum (excluding references), saved in Microsoft Word format in Times New Roman font size 12, and follow APA 7th edition format. They must also fit the scope and mission of ISCJ. Proposals not adhering to these requests may still be accepted for conference presentation but will not be considered for publication.

Submit your abstracts by clicking the button bellow.

Submissions must be received by 15 February 2025  1 March, 2025. Receipt of abstracts will be acknowledged. Authors will be notified by April 1, 2025 whether their abstracts have been accepted. For more information contact Karen Livingstone,

Coaching Practitioner Focused Presentations

Coaches, coach developers and program leaders are invited to share their experience in developing and delivering coaching and coach education programs. Presentations may describe a specific coaching or coach education system or practice, the process to develop, implement or evaluate a particular program, issues and solutions in the delivery of a program, or applications of sport science.

Program descriptions may focus on any one of a broad range of coaching topics, for example high performance, participation or school-sport coaching; coaching children, women, or athletes with an impairment; coaching ethics and integrity; professionalization and the coaching job market; coach learning and assessment; the preparation of coach developers; bridging the gap between sport science/technology and coaching practice, etc.

Submissions should indicate which type, mode, and stream they wish to be considered for.


    1. Individual oral presentation: 15 minutes with 5 minutes of questions
    2. Poster: All posters should be made on A1 poster board
    3. Symposium: Encompassing 3-4 papers per session, these are 80-minute long well-developed research or practical advances that are delivered by 3-4 presenters who submit one abstract for their full symposium. This abstract must emphasise the link between papers by highlighting the goal for the session
    4. Discussion: These are 40 minutes sessions, that incorporate 20-minute presentation focused on a specific topic, then facilitate 20 minutes audience engagement.
    5. Live problem-solving labs: These will be based around conference themes where participants tackle a real-world problem in groups with guidance from facilitators.

Please submit the following, uploaded in Microsoft Word format:

    • Title of the presentation, poster, symposium or panel
    • Contributor names and affiliations, and identification of who will be the primary presenter/contact for symposia and panels
    • A 250-word summary/abstract/synopsis
    • An 80-word biography of the presenting author(s)

Submissions must be received by 15 February 2025  1 March, 2025. via the link by button below:

Authors will be notified by April 1, 2025 whether their abstracts have been accepted.

For more information contact Karen Livingstone,

You can download the Call for Abstracts in PDF format here: Call for Abstracts